National Service Scheme now Ghana National Service Scheme was established in 1973. It is a Government of Ghana program under the
Ministry of Education of Ghana with a National Secretariat in Accra, and offices in all administrative regions and districts across the country.
However, Mpohor District office of NSS was established in 2018 from Wassa-East District which was overseeing the
administrative processes with staff strength of two. Currently the staff strength is only one, (District manager).
Head Of National Service Scheme
The Scheme is mandated to deploy a pool of skilled manpower drawn primarily from tertiary institutions to support the development efforts of both public and private sectors in Ghana. The brain behind deploying freshly graduating youth under the Ghana National Service Scheme arrangement is to ensure that priority sectors of our National life is never lacking in the requisite human resources needed for development.
Leader in youth service. We manage the processes of Ghana National Service Scheme in the district such as; providing essential service persons particularly in towns and rural areas in the district through proper collection and collating request letters from institutions within the Mpohor district for deployment. The office organizes a pre-service orientation for freshly posted service personnel, supervise and monitor all service personnel for effective and efficient use of human resources, process monthly evaluation forms for the payment of allowances to all deserving personnel and reports quarterly to the region. We work hand in hand with all institutions towards a common purpose and that is the development of our country Ghana.