Works Department

The Works Department is one of the decentralized Departments of the MMDAs whose functions are critical for effective implementation of infrastructural works (building, water and feeder roads) related policies and programmes at the local level. The strategic overview and guiding vision for the functioning of the Works Department is to become a well-respected and reliable technical and engineering services department.

Head Of Works


our mission is; to improve the living standards of Ghanaians by offering superior services through effective stakeholder collaboration for the provision and maintenance of adequate, safe, cost effective and socio-economic infrastructure in an environmentally sustainable manner.


our objective to ensure an integrated and harmonized infrastructural development; efficient, effective and sustainable service delivery; and to plan and maintain public works infrastructure at the local level.


as our function is, to assist the Assembly to formulate policies on works (Building, water and feeder roads) within the framework of national policies; and among other things, assist in the review and approvals of building permit applications in line with the Ghana Building Code and other regulatory enactments.

The operationalization of the Works Department with the promulgation of LI 1961 brought complete and effective decentralized department consisting of Public Works Department, Department of Feeder Roads, District Water and Sanitation Unit, Department of Rural Housing and Works Unit of the District Assembly.

Download resources

  • Works Department Annual Report