Physical Planning Department

The Physical Planning department is responsible for the preparation of Planning Scheme for all communities in the area of its jurisdiction
The department is also responsible for preparation and organize meetings for Spatial Planning Committee and the Technical Planning Committee to give permit to prospective developers to develop or to build according to the Layout or planning Scheme of the area.

Head Of Physical Planning

  • The Physical Planning Department is also collaborate with Nananom and other land owners to solve land litigations between clients.
  • The department also is responsible for educating the communities in its area of jurisdiction to observe rules and regulations concerning developments, that is, Residential, Commercial, industrial, mixed-use, educational, Civic & cultural, etc.
  • . The Physical Planning department is responsible for Naming all the streets and give numbers to all properties, that is, (Street Naming and Property Addressing System)
  • Linkages with Other Department

  • The Physical Planning collaborate with agencies like Lands Commission, Survey department, Environmental Protection Agency, the Traditional Authorities and Works department of the Assembly to provide the following services,
  • 1. Write comment for clients who wanted to process their land documents in Lands Commission to authenticate the site plan in question is conform to the planning scheme of the area
  • 2. Write zoning letters and E. I. A comments for Environmental Protection Agency to finish processing of permit for prospective developers who wanted to put up petrol filling stations, Warehouses, hotels, schools, hospitals, heavy and light industries, etc.
  • 3. Collaborate with Survey department to design planning schemes for chiefs and land owners
  • 4. Collaborate with Works department to check developments and also to make sure that developers build according to the design of the planning scheme of the area.

  • The department also takes up any other additional work assigned to it by the Assembly and also responsible for documentation of all the acquired properties of the assembly (lands and buildings)